Among the millions of individuals who are missing all their teeth, many choose to get traditional dentures. While that is certainly an option, you might wonder if there are any better alternatives. There are! You might qualify for implant dentures, which provide a stronger and more reliable way to rebuild a complete smile. Dr. Howard and our team are proud to provide this advanced service in-house. Contact our Rancho Bernardo office today to learn more.
Dental implants are small cylinders, or posts, made of medical-grade titanium alloy. We surgically place them beneath the gumline, where they form a strong bond with the jawbone. That bond allows them to serve as an incredibly strong base of support for crowns, bridges, and dentures.
There are two main categories of implant dentures: fixed implant dentures and removable ones. During your consultation, we will help you decide which option best fits your circumstances.
Also known as hybrid prosthesis, fixed implant dentures are permanently attached to the implants that support them; they can only be removed by a dental professional. Many patients gravitate toward this option because they like the idea of having their teeth in their mouth 24/7.
Removable implant dentures snap onto and off of small attachments on top of dental implants. They are easy to clean and maintain. They also require fewer implant posts than fixed dentures, which may make them a better option for patients who have lost some bone density in their jaw.
The implant denture procedure can take several months. It involves four main stages:
You may qualify for implant dentures if:
If you are not sure whether you qualify for implant dentures, visit us for a consultation. You might be pleasantly surprised by what you discover!
Implant dentures offer some truly remarkable benefits: